Dental Emergencies
Smile Inn offers extended hours, including late night and weekend appointments to help patients in pain. We make every effort to see people with dental emergencies on the same day. If you or another family member is in pain or discomfort, please contact us so our dental team can assist you as quickly as possible. We know dental emergencies can be uncomfortable at best and often feel scary or painful, but we are here to help you. Our team can book an emergency dental appointment for you and offer useful advice and reassurance to help you cope with the issue until you come and see us.
When you see our dentist, we can quickly diagnose the problem and offer immediate care to ensure you feel more comfortable. Usually, with a dental emergency, you will need a second appointment for further care and restorative treatment.
While some dental emergencies are safe to leave untreated for a short while, others require immediate care. A knocked-out adult tooth must be reinserted into the socket as soon as possible to have any chance of survival.
If you knock out a tooth, you can try to reinsert it yourself, carefully rinsing off visible dirt and making sure it faces the right way around. You will still need to see us immediately, so hold the tooth in place with a clean finger or use a clean tissue and gently bite down. If you cannot face the idea of reinserting it, store the tooth in a small container with some saliva or milk, or saline solution and come and see us straight away. If a child knocks out a primary or baby tooth, please don’t try to reinsert it as you may damage the adult tooth underneath. They will still need to come and see us immediately.
A severe tooth infection can spread beyond the tooth, causing facial swelling, and a fever, and it can make you feel extremely unwell. If you have these symptoms, you must get emergency medical care, so come and see us or go to the nearest emergency room. It is very rare, but a severe tooth infection can become life-threatening and needs immediate care.
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